MT4 Client gRPC example for C#

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MT4 Client gRPC example for C#

Table of Contents

Methods browser:

Ready to run project:

Proto file:

var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("");
var connection = new Connection.ConnectionClient(channel);
var subscriptions = new Subscriptions.SubscriptionsClient(channel);
var service = new  Service.ServiceClient(channel);
var tarding = new Trading.TradingClient(channel);
var mt4 = new MT4.MT4Client(channel);
var streams = new Streams.StreamsClient(channel);
var connectRequest = new ConnectRequest
    Host = "",
    Password = "ehj4bod",
    Port = 443,
    User = 500476959,
var reply = connection.Connect(connectRequest);
if(reply.Error != null)
    throw new Exception(reply.Error.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Connect response: " + reply);
var id = reply.Result;
var summaryReq = new AccountSummaryRequest()
    Id = id
var summaryReply = mt4.AccountSummary(summaryReq);
if (summaryReply.Error != null)
    throw new Exception(summaryReply.Error.Message);
Console.WriteLine("AccountBalance: " + summaryReply.Result.Balance);

var subscribeRequest = new SubscribeRequest
    Id = id,
    Interval = 0,
    Symbol = "EURUSD",
var subscribeReply = subscriptions.Subscribe(subscribeRequest);
if (subscribeReply.Error != null)
    throw new Exception(subscribeReply.Error.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Subscribe response: " + subscribeReply);

var onQuoteRequest = new OnQuoteRequest
    Id = id,
    using var streamingCall = streams.OnQuote(onQuoteRequest);
    await foreach (var onQuoteReply in streamingCall.ResponseStream.ReadAllAsync())
    Console.WriteLine("Stream completed.");
catch (RpcException ex) when (ex.StatusCode == StatusCode.Cancelled)
    Console.WriteLine("Stream cancelled.");

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